
Local Missions

We believe everyone should have firsthand experience as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ locally and nationally.  We do this by encouraging Centerpoint to serve through our program ministries and by partnering with key organizations that care for the needs of our city, county, state, and nation.

Global Missions

We partner with strategic churches and mission organizations in three regions: those next, near, and far from us.  We emphasize long-lasting, relational partnerships with the communities and churches of these three regions.  We hope to provide everyone who is able the opportunity to go on a global mission trip.

Upcoming Events

Military Care Packages

During the month of May we partner with Sacramento Blue Star Moms to collect items for deployed Military Personnel. Click the button below to see our suggested packing list and donate for the postage required to send each box. Thank you!

Contact Us

Want to learn more about missions? Let us know!